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Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Facebook Format-Change Syndrome

Yes everyone it's that time of year again. When all over the internet the screams of anger start to pick up. I am of course referring to the backlash that has arisen once again over the changes to our beloved Facebook. Its amazing how angry some get over the smallest changes to the social networking site, but the question you have to ask yourselves is simple, "why do people get so angry". Many psychologists and industry analysts have pointed to a seemingly primal hatred for change or maybe its the idea of having to re-learn the website which gets some peoples metaphorical panties in a twist.

This is however a seemingly short lived anger for many, in a few weeks time as always happens, the shouts start to diminish and the comment boxes begin to lose interest as suddenly everyone realises how little any of this matters. We still get access to all the same functions we used to, but now we may have something new to fiddle our privacy settings for. Why then do we get such a huge reaction when mere weeks ago the world was pledging to sink the website in a mass exodus in outrage at the company?

My answer would be that it is merely a case herd mentality once again being amplified by the mechanics of the social networked world in which we live. Either that or there is just a whole lot of crazy people out there.

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